What’s on in Dublin this week

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We’re kicking the week off with the Bank Holiday Monday and maybe a little bit of sunshine for once! 🌞 Check out what’s on in Dublin this week.


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Dinos Alive Immersive Experience

Step back in time and witness the awe-inspiring world of dinosaurs brought to life through cutting-edge technology and lifelike animatronics in Dublin’s Dino Immersive Experience. πŸ¦–

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey as you encounter roaring T-rexes, towering Brachiosauruses and other prehistoric wonders, making it an unforgettable adventure for dinosaur enthusiasts of all ages.

Grab your tickets here


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The Pull of The Stars @ The Gate Theatre

Immerse yourself in the gripping drama of Emma Donoghue’s “The Pull of the Stars” as it unfolds on stage in Dublin, exploring the resilience and compassion of healthcare workers during the 1918 flu pandemic.

“This beautiful new play asks us to consider the importance of sisterhood, destiny, connection, the power of chance, and the care we offer to women and their bodies. The all-female cast will be led by Louise Lowe who returns to the Gate Theatre after her acclaimed, award-winning production of The Steward of Christendom.”

Grab your tickets here


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Celebrating 150 years: Dublin Painting & Sketching Club Exhibition – Dublin: Then & Now

Join in celebrating the rich artistic legacy of Dublin as the Painting and Sketching Club marks its 150th anniversary, showcasing a diverse array of artworks capturing the city’s landscapes, people and culture. 🎨

“For a century and a half, β€œDublin: Then and Now” has been a subject often visited for artistic inspiration by members of the Dublin Painting and Sketching Club. This theme will once again be explored in our latest exhibition, taking place at the Cowshed Gallery, Farmleigh from the 4th to the 19th of May 2024.”

Check it out here


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Herbert Park Farmers Market

Indulge in a feast at Dublin’s Herbert Park Market, where local vendors offer an array of fresh produce, artisanal goods and gourmet delights, creating a vibrant culinary experience in the city!

Join fellow food enthusiasts and support local farmers and producers while enjoying some gorgeous nature and a friendly atmosphere, making the market a beloved weekend destination for Dubliners and visitors alike. πŸ“

Check it out here


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Bealtaine Festival 2024

The Bealtaine Festival is all about celebrating creativity as we age. An age & opportunity arts initiative.

“This is a national listing of cultural events welcoming to older people. It includes events taking place throughout the year.

The Arts Events Listing was inspired by Bealtaine Festival participants asking if it were possible to promote events which happen outside of the festival month of May.

Events include concerts, dance, workshops, discussions, exhibitions, tours, screenings and much more.”

Grab your tickets here


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Culture Date with Dublin 8

Embark on a cultural journey through Dublin’s vibrant District 8, where historic landmarks, artistic hubs and culinary delights converge to offer a rich tapestry of experiences, showcasing the area’s diverse heritage and creativity! ☘️

“Discover the programme for this year’s Culture Date with Dublin 8 Festival Wednesday 8th to Sunday 12th May. With over 80 specially curated events including talks, walks, markets, and concerts. This year’s programme offers an opportunity for everyone to explore the area’s rich history, including local landmarks, heritage sites, museums, iconic breweries, churches, and hidden treasures.”

Grab your tickets here


The first week of May is full of exciting things in Dublin, hopefully, with a little bit of sun, it might actually feel a bit like summer! 🌸

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